So, as people of the universe, I ask you to help me in my hunt for face wash.
Yes, I'm writing a blog this week about face wash.
Not only for myself, but because I see so many other kids and my friends suffering from the same frustrating battle and losing their self-esteem.
And don't argue that pimples in high schoo don't matter because YES, they matter. Right now, and in the near future only, but they do matter.
At my worst, I didn't even want to go to school due to a patch of cystic acne that formed on the right side of my chin. Out of desperation, I attamted to pop these lil buggers. I learned that us exactly what not to do, considering I have awful scarring in that same spot, that I am having an all new battle with.
Things I've tried recently:
Coffee scrub (worked for a few weeks)
Burning face mask (just started - will keep you updated)
^^ these things are all natural and I literally made them in my kitchen so I would know exactly what's in them
If you are reading this and have any suggestions for me, please comment. I will be eternally grateful. (Toy Story reference)
In my music news, I just had new photos taken by the amazing Sheri Angeles! Watch for them on my website and social media! My old pics were so 2011.
As of new music, I'm working on releasing the single I had posted about a few blogs ago. We're still having technical difficulties with humans. Because I'm labeled as "in development" right now, it's hard for me to release new music because I'm literally developing. Not only music, but myself. And I'm changing so quickly to find the right landing spot.
Here's me being moderately sassy from my new shoot:
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