Monday, August 18, 2014

Are You Single?

I want to start off this week with some housekeeping:
I didn't post last week because I had posted my interview with Broken Records Magazine out of NY and figured you all would find that interesting enough! And if you haven't read the article, you can find it here:

So every week at school I meet and talk to new people. I went from looking around and knowing no one, to looking forward to seeing people everyday. 
So, its been 2 years since I released a The Game and I'm getting ready to release a new single! I wrote this song last year in NY with 3 guys who did an incredible job. We started, going into it as just a writing session, but it went so well that we started recording it! After some technical difficulties, it's ready to be shared with you all! Yes, this means photoshoots, excessive Tweeting and asking for Facebook shares which is what you do best! I'm hoping for continued support from everyone, for which I am forever grateful. It doesn't matter what goes on behind the scenes, or in the back lines, because you all are in the front lines. As Lady Gaga would say, I live for the applause. And to give you something to relate to and to share an experience with me through music. I can't wait for you all to hear this! 
I ask you, are you [ready for the] single? 
(Photo from the recording session.) 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Still Early Out in Cali

Hello humans. 
So this past week, I started school. There's not really much to say other than ITS 10x BETTER THAN MY OLD SCHOOL. Even though I don't know anyone and am extremely nervous and anxious and whatnot, I'm staying positive that I'll make new friends soon (besides the lovely young man who stopped traffic in the parking lot for me to pull out). 
I've been taking to a friend from back in PA who moved to FL last year and she's helping me through this. Just sharing how crazy and strange it is being thrown into a crowd of 2,000 kids and not having a FREAKING CLUE what's going on is really settling.
I know kids change schools and move all the time, but I don't think anyone understands how freaky it actually is once you experience it. Overall, the kids are really accepting and have been super nice to me. I'm just so excited to be here that I'm dealing with feeling like I have no sense of direction (mostly because I got lost in the school twice) when it comes to this education thing. 
Thank you for reading and have a great week, my space cadets. 

PS GO VOLS (it's a Tennessee thing.)